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Reason Why Your Link-Building Strategy Isn’t Driving Results

Reason Why Your Link Building Strategy Isnt Driving Results

Today, link building is a horse of a different color, but it remains an essential component of a dynamic search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. An analysis of 11.8 million Google search results indicated that the number one result has roughly four times as many backlinks as positions two and ten (Back-link). The data provide evidence that backlink profiles affect rankings. Unfortunately, many businesses continue to make costly link-building errors that hurt their rankings and lose them money.

While link building is a robust SEO approach, it may occasionally disappoint business owners who expect it to propel their website to the top of the search results. Several factors might be at play if your link-building performs differently than expected. In this article, we will discuss reasons provided by a Digital Marketing firm in Seattle that link building strategy needs to be driving results.

Insufficient time has elapsed

You may anticipate that the links you gain from other websites will immediately influence your site’s visibility and search engine rating. Given how quickly Google currently searches the web, you may assume that new connections would directly impact your site. However, this is only sometimes the case.

Depending on the frequency with which Google analyses your website and the domains from which you gained connections, it might take a few weeks or even months to observe the true impact of those links. Due to this, it is typical to hear the inquiry “why isn’t my link building working?” from folks unaware that these links aren’t always detected immediately.

If you’ve only begun establishing links for a few weeks and your site is relatively new or modest, you may have to wait a few months before noticing any ranking impact.

You have not established enough ties

Another option is that you need to accumulate sufficient links. You may obtain a few connections from high-profile websites and believe that’s plenty, but what if you need more?

While you should always prioritize the quality and relevance of connections above their quantity, you cannot always anticipate a few high-quality links to improve your results. In part (see option #6), it will depend on how many of these high-quality links your competitors have. You will not rank higher than you if they have more than you.

The links you’re creating are ineffective

Even if you’ve established a large number of links, if link building isn’t working for you may be because the links themselves need to be more effective. This indicates that the links on your website need to be revised to affect your rankings.

A link from a brand-new website with less content will have less “weight” than an older website with several pages. Therefore, if most of your links sound more like the former than the latter, their quality may need to be better to affect the visibility of your website.

However, quality is only one of the factors that matter. Google’s algorithms also analyze a link’s relevance. Therefore, a link to a restaurant’s website from a blog that reviews restaurants will have more weight than a connection to the same website from an eCommerce store that sells auto parts. An effective link must also be pertinent.

Your rivals are also constructing linkages

Let’s imagine you launch a link-building strategy, and initially, things appear to be going well; your rankings improve somewhat. A month later, you’ve returned to your previous position on page two. What’s up?

Remember that you are not the only one attempting to generate links and increase your site’s authority. Your rivals, including those in the top few positions, are likely accumulating connections. Therefore, if your link building differs from theirs, your gains in the rankings may be transient.

Google has penalized your site

If your link building isn’t producing any results, even after some time, it’s always conceivable that something needs to be preventing your Google rankings from increasing. Typically, this is the result of your website obtaining an algorithmic punishment.

Google updates its automated algorithms to provide search results regularly to enhance their quality and relevance. When this occurs, websites deemed to violate Google’s quality rules may be punished and moved down in the ranks. If your traffic and rankings suddenly plummeted, it’s conceivable that a penalty is to blame, and link building may not help you recover.

Check out our guide to Google penalty recovery to learn more about Google fines. This can let you check your website for penalties and choose your next steps.

Wrapping Up!

If you recognize any of the reasons mentioned above, it is time to reevaluate your plan. Seek the help of Code Adapt. They are amongst the top SEO agency in Seattle to offer the best possible results. They augment your link-building approach with search engine marketing (SEM) to outrank your competition. In addition to enhancing your backlink profiles, the most effective SEO link-building technique is crucial for increasing inbound lead volume.

You can contact the best digital marketing agency to get better results for your business with the most effective SEO link-building strategy. You can read this blog before hiring the best digital marketing agency:

When Choosing a digital marketing agency, what factors should you consider?



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